Living on... without you
Memories leave you alone, with your dreams in the middle of nowhere.

Nothing is certain. Nothing is known. Nothing is predetermined. Life is ours... It can be wonderful and horrendous, meaningful and empty, satisfying and disappointing. One cannot predict the course of life — one can merely try to change it, for better or for worse.
This website is about change. It is dedicated to all the people that have been excluded from my life as a result of that change.
Missing you every day...
Most of the people to whom my poetry is dedicated are gone from my life, but, regardless of the reason, I still miss each and every one of them in a different way. But what happened to all these people?

Some have died...
Some have moved...
Some have lost touch...
Some have betrayed me...
Some have been pushed away...
Some have been lost over petty squabbles...
Some have been abandoned in search of something phantasmal...