Lest You Go Astray
On Emily Wiebe's 16th Birthday
May 9, 2004
Although, there is nothing else
like meeting face to face,
I still think you will understand
that matters not the place.
However, when I write to you
across the distant mile,
It always fails to replace
the joy that gives your smile.
On this once-in-a-life-time day,
when you become sixteen,
I'd like to wish you from my heart
to always stay a teen.
As you grow up some hindrances
may try to change your way,
But I encourage you to fight 'em,
lest you go astray.
I hope you will just find the things
that make you shine with glee,
And that in every murky day
good aspects you will see.
May people all around the world
a sunshine be to you,
May anything you dream to have
consistently come true.
May you know nothing but success
in everything you do,
May good luck always follow you,
and troubles never brew.
May nothing in this ruthless world
be able to impede
The wonderful and pure friendship
you and I've achieved.
No words exist to really say
how much I need this amity.
I pray that never in my life
it ceases being a reality.
I thank you wholeheartedly
for being such a friend to me;
I'm honoured so immeasurably
by having gotten to know thee.
Background Story
Through our correspondence and even more so through her creative stories I got to know Emily better than I ever had before. I thought she was a sweet girl, and I wanted to do something special for her. So, for her 16th birthday I wrote her this poem and sent it by snail mail to brighten her day. I don't know if it worked, but I hope it did.
Unfortunately, a few years ago Emily and I lost touch over something stupid I said. What I said must have been so unimportant that now I can't even remember what it was. I can only hope that one day we will reconnect. She was a good friend, and I miss her dearly.